Stillborn Thoughts

News, Issues, and Analysis on the intersection of Law and the Internet

Monday, October 17, 2005

Internet Law and this Blog


Most of my friends that create blogs tend to write about, well, themselves. Sometimes, this can be extremely entertaining, more often than not, I find the personal blogosphere a little underwhelming. Then, there are other blogs that attempt to tackle a specific issue, and engage in debate and discourse about a particular subject- whether it be fantasy football or Slavic languages or George W. Bush. This, I hope, will become one of the later, on the subject of Internet law. But first (to steal from Tom Robbins Another Roadside Attraction) a little PERSONAL INFORMATION:

My name is Colin Hector, and I'm a recent college graduate (woo-hoo). I currently work in the tech industry, but I see myself gravitating away, towards the world of law, policy, and perhaps writing. My interest in creating this blog is that I've always been interested in internet law issues, and hope to pursue them in the future. However, after reading sort of a smattering of what's going on I haven't come across something that is a comprehensive or definitive collection of internet law information (there are some sites specifically dedicated to encryption, freedom of speech, digital copywrite, ect.), and it is also somewhat rare to find sources that are fairly accessibly to those of us that haven't spent time in law school. My humble hope, therefore, is to jot down the resource that I find useful in my ongoing exploration into this field, and pass that along to whoever feels like reading it. I don't try to pass myself off as someone with an amazing grasp on prose, but I imagine that might be for the better (hooray for brevity). So, I hope those of you that are interested in this sort of thing can glean something or other off of this blog... as I know I'll learn something from the feedback I receive.


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