Update: Sony DRM

Two quick updates on the scourge that IS Sony DRM:
1) The most notorious version of DRM, by First4Internet, is being taken off Sony products for the time being, although Sony defended their right to copy-protect merchandise. Also, this very software might be entitled to legal attention not on disclosure issues, but in that IT MAY VERY WELL BE stealing code without fufilling required measures.
2) Freedom-to-tinker's J. Alex Halderman has a wonderful post on the DRM software that still IS in place, by a company called SunnComm- see the EFF list to see what albums have SunnComm. Halderman goes into detail explaining how and what the SunnComm program downloads without permission- but the most worrisome section has to do with privacy and information gathering (SunnComm DOES gather information, but does not disclose this to consumers). Scary Stuff.
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