Stillborn Thoughts

News, Issues, and Analysis on the intersection of Law and the Internet

Monday, November 14, 2005

Update: WSIS and the diplomacy of KHAAAAAAN

Quick update- my post on the upcoming WSIS event in Tunis was decidedly pessimistic as to whether or not anything would get done. Reading the Register's article on Masood Khan, Pakistan's ambassador to the U.N..

Some highlights of the article include the UK/EU's faith in Masood:

In an extraordinary statement, the UK/EU then deferred its entire contribution to the net governance debate to Mr Khan's stewardship. "We will co-operate in any way you choose," the representative told Mr Khan. This was the same UK/EU team that stunned the self-same room in September by producing a radical blueprint for a new form of internet control.

And more importantly, Khan's focus on real results, and not the generalizations we've sort of grown accustomed to from such multilateral attempts:

"I would encourage you all not to focus on general themes of internet governance but instead go to the heart of the matter,” were his opening words. And then he listed them. “The question of a future mechanism, the question of oversight, and the paradigm of co-operation amongst all stakeholders."

I couldn't find much more on Khan related to the WSIS, and one article isn't enough to make me change my assumptions about the Summit... but given the glowing review of Khan, I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for more about him (yeah, this really isn't a post in the sense that I offer some sort of commentary, but its a fairly slow day in the tech/law world)


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